Balancing the Missional End Game is a constant challenge for leaders in the 21st Century. The Bible teaches us that kingdom transformation and personal conversion are complementary missional priorities, not mutually exclusive goals. When we pit these two missional trajectories against one another, we end up committing the error of mere social activism on the one hand, or the error …
Pushing Against the Rock
I recently came across a fictional story, written by an unknown author, that encouraged me to “keep on keeping on” with the ministry calling God has given me. I hope this story encourages your heart as it did mine. There was a man who was asleep one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light from the …
The Power of Team – Whiteboard Wednesday season 4: episode 8
In today’s Whiteboard Wednesday, Scott Lokers, Transition Ministry Catalyst for the Luminex team, shares more about the power of working within a team. Many of us in leadership have an independent streak which enables us to get things done. But if we want to be most effective, we will “lead with.” As unique as Jesus’ ministry is, He doesn’t do …
What is Escapism? What does Jesus have to say about it?
Editors note: Today we welcome City Chapel to the Luminex Blog! City Chapel is a new Luminex-supported church plant emerging in downtown Grand Rapids, under the leadership of the Rev.’s Ron and Anna Radcliffe! Check out this cool video about their latest preview worship service here. You can also go to for all the information about this exciting ministry. Today’s …
The 16% Gap – Whiteboard Wednesday Season 4: Episode 7
In today’s Whiteboard Wednesday, John Messer, our Leadership Development Catalyst, shares more about how we can move change throughout an entire congregation. Leaders are change-agents who influence the adoption of new ideas, processes, and innovations. Casting vision — presenting what could be — is the most common way of connecting with other visionary people and those who are consider “early …
Practical Hospitality
Then Jesus said to his host: “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will …
How People Belong In Your Church – Whiteboard Wednesday season 4: episode 6
In today’s Whiteboard Wednesday video, we take a look at the social architecture of your church. How do people connect and belong in a church plant or any established church? People need different social environments to meet different social needs as they connect with others. Intimate environments of two or three Personal environments of 5-12 Social environments of 20-50 Public …
Key Habits to Cultivate in the Midst of Change – Whiteboard Wednesday season 4: episode 5
In today’s Whiteboard Wednesday, Rev. Paul Burmeister shows us five helpful habits to cultivate when we are going through a season of change. Keep the Gospel central Refresh Prayer Return to the Vision Equip God’s people Celebrate what God is doing! What would you add? What habit do you struggle to maintain in times of stress and transition? How has …
Techniques for Pastors Leaving Well – Whiteboard Wednesday season 4: episode 4
Today we welcome back Art Wiers, recently retired Luminex team member, to the Whiteboard! He’s talking about how a pastor can leave their congregations well in times of transition. How do we land the plane well? Art offers three key techniques: Plan Ahead Be Ready for the Unexpected Positive Completion Thanks Art, for all your years of service and …
Importance of Self-Assessment – Whiteboard Wednesday season 4: episode 3
In this weeks edition of Whiteboard Wednesday, Scott Lokers, Transition Ministry Catalyst for the Luminex team, shows us the critical importance of transitions in the life of the local church. He gives us a simple method for self-assessment by a congregation going through a major change. We need breathing space as we discover where God has brought us at this …