“What are you afraid of,” my mentor asked me, “that you will tell people what they already know?” The question was rather comical and extremely humbling at the same time. This mentor was noticing that I had a bad habit of trying to hide my true self from people. My mentor also knew that I tried to pretend I was …
Coaching Delivers
“I feel spiritually dry,” I admitted. “What has brought you out of that dryness in the past,” she asked. “I feel most alive when I’m working on something that is beyond me, that requires faith,” I responded. “What could be something that God is calling you today that will require faith?” That simple question, posed by my coach, ignited …
Everyone an Interim
One of the most valuable truths I learned is that every pastor/leader is an interim. Whether short or long term, every pastor/leader is an interim. Consider the teaching of Scripture. In the Old Testament Moses was an interim leader. So was Joshua. So was Samuel. So was Saul. So was David. Think of some New Testament leaders: Stephen, Philip, Peter, …
The Need for Courageous Leaders
How often have powerful members of congregations been allowed to undermine the direction of a ministry? How often have rooted relationships, personal preferences or treasured traditions replaced God’s mission at the center of congregational life? How often has unchristian behavior been tolerated to keep from losing members of a congregation? How often has the “tail wagged the dog’ in congregational …
Five Surprising Keys to Leading with Courage
Take Prayerful Risks: The courageous leader is not afraid to try something that requires a miracle! From Moses to Joshua, from David to Nehemiah, from Peter to Paul. God uses people who realize that without him their plans and leadership will ultimately fail. Have Fierce Conversations: The courageous leader is not afraid to have difficult and sometimes painful conversations. Paul’s …
Trust is the Coin of the Realm
Over the years, I have learned that TRUST enhances leadership effectiveness, as much as any other single factor. I believe a leader needs to demonstrate vulnerability to those she leads and serves, which may be counter intuitive to some. Maintaining one’s integrity and closing integrity gaps, large and small, are keys to developing the TRUST factor! Some years ago, as …
Of Kings, Presidents, and Faith
“… give us a king …” 1 Samuel 8:7 In what has been for many the most vitriolic and distasteful primary election in memory, we now know that Donald Trump will be the Republican Party presidential nominee and, barring a complete collapse, Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Party presidential nominee. For some, this is a welcome development. For others …
This does not compute
Effective leaders exhibit deep personal humility and an unshakeable will regarding the mission/vision/values of the organization. Many bigger than life leaders have charisma oozing from their persona! Many are hard drivers who have an amazing level of persuasive influence. Many are able to get a lot done in a relatively short period of time. Some fall victim to the pride …
The Adaptive Challenge
Many pastoral leaders are overwhelmed by operational leadership challenges – day to day activities to keep the “ship afloat.” Submitting to the tyranny of the urgent is a common malady. As a colleague/coach/consultant of pastors, I hear this complaint more often than any other. Therefore, when I suggest that at least twenty percent of the pastoral leader’s time should be …