On today’s Whiteboard Wednesday, Rick Veenstra talks about the importance of finishing well as a Christian leader to ensure a smooth and positive transition in your ministry. Rick Veenstra is nearing the end of his journey as a vocational Christian leader, having served as a pastor for over 40 years. To help prepare for the next chapter of his life, …
Reactive Management to Adaptive Leadership
Mike Gafa presents some steps to move a consistory from managing to leading in today’s Whiteboard Wednesday. Everyday brings a new crisis for church leaders. In turn, too many consistories find themselves playing “leadership whack-a-mole” as they attempt to solve the latest crisis. Similarly, leadership in the church can sometimes feel this way, but this is not a good method …
Faith Based Leadership
For this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday, Mike Gafa discusses how we can move a consistory from managers to leaders. We achieve this by moving away from fear and fact based management and moving towards faith based leadership. To move from managing to leading, your consistory must embrace faith-based leadership while steering clear of fear and fact based management. What does it …
Leadership Community
For today’s Whiteboard Wednesday- Doug McClintic describes how we can cultivate a leadership community in order to facilitate leadership development. Interested in forming a leadership community in your church? Start by holding a monthly leadership meeting to work toward a shared vision, and intentional skill development, as you huddle ministry leaders together. The best approach is to invite all …
Deep and Wide
For this week’s Whiteboard Wednesday, Mike Gafa, the Church Leadership Development Catalyst for Luminex, describes the concept of ‘Deep and Wide’ and how we can use this knowledge as a tool to assess churches and help them to improve. The mission of every church is the great co-mission that Jesus gave us to go and make disciples. And the way …
Church Planting: Capacity Vs. Reach
Starting today, Luminex will begin launching Whiteboard Wednesdays, which is a short video series capturing the knowledge and experiences from our current leaders. These videos will discuss various topics that will educate, train, and inspire developing leaders and others who are looking for a weekly dose of motivation and learning. We hope that you will find these videos as enlightening …