March 16, 2020

Church Next Conference (June 10 & 11)

church next conference

Today’s church must navigate life and ministry in a rapidly changing world.

Luminex is delighted to join with other area ministries to host a game-changing Church Next Conference, centered around being a church in a rapidly changing world! 

This conference is in partnership with 5 other CRC and RCA ministries.


Wednesday and Thursday, June 10 and 11, 2020


Pillar Church

57 E. 10th Street

Holland, MI 49423


At Church Next, we’ll imagine ministry in a new cultural context.

Our conference keynote speakers are well-known and widely-respected church revitalization authors and thinkers Ed Stetzer and Rick Richardson!

Additional breakout presenters and church revitalization leaders will add abundant learning and discovery.

Read the full event schedule.


$39 per person ($19 for students)

Register here.

Want to share this event with others?

View and/or print the Next Church Conference Flyer HERE.

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    A Biblical, Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in the Church . GO HERE.