Servant-leadership stands in sharp contrast to the typical American image of a leader as a multi-talented, multi-gifted stand-alone hero, usually white and male. Mindlessly accepting this false picture of what defines a leader, we celebrate and reward the wrong things — winning for the sake of winning, competitive advantage over cooperative effort, and majority rules regardless of what is best …
Initiating Change in Times of Transition – Whiteboard Wednesday season 4: episode 2
In this weeks edition of Whiteboard Wednesday, Tim Meendering shares a practical rhythm for shaping the culture of your leadership and your church. He suggests that four key elements be infused into your culture: Inspiration Accountability Planning Education How do you shape the culture of your church’s leadership? What about Tim’s presentation resonates with you? What are some key action …
Christ-Centered Leadership
A Note from Luminex: This morning’s blog post is a reprise of a post originally published on May 22, 2017. Enjoy! There are seven “I am” statements from Jesus sprinkled throughout the Gospel of John. Each one points in some way to Jesus’ divinity, and to the exclusivity of Jesus as the way – the only way – to escape from death and enter into …
Navigating Transitions and Change – White Board Wednesday Season 4: Episode 1
Welcome to season four of our popular White Board Wednesday leadership resource. In today’s episode, John Messer our Leadership Development Catalyst walks us through the process of transitions in an organization. What phase of change is your church or organization experiencing now? What strategies can you use to help your people navigate this phase of change? What are your favorite …
Adaptive Leadership
A Note from Luminex: This morning’s blog post is a reprise of a post originally published on May 15, 2017. Enjoy! Creativity and innovation are critical skills for leaders in the 21st Century. Many organizations are investing in creativity and building teams to work on innovative processes and products. And for good reason: Creativity fuels growth, improves existing ministry and processes, and …
Don’t Draw Back
When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. The other Jews joined …
Mission Critical
It has long been my belief that a clear, concise mission statement is essential for organizational success. For example, at Luminex we hold a seven-word mission statement to “Develop leaders to start and strengthen churches.” This mission informs our priorities, plans, and resources – so much so that we strive to have everything we do be in in support of, …
Personal Transformation in the Midst of Congregational Transition
As I consider this question of personal transformation in the midst of congregational transitions, an old praise song comes to my mind. The words are… Change my heart, O God, make it ever true; Change my heart, O God, may I be like You. You are the Potter, I am the clay, Mold me and make me, this is what …
Priorities Series: Cultural Transformation
NOTE FROM LUMINEX: This is the eighth and final entry in our “Priorities” series. Today’s post is on Cultural Transformation, and comes from Don Poest, Interim General Secretary for the Reformed Church in America. Enjoy! “Transformed and Transforming is something the Holy Spirit has called the Reformed Church in America to do. It is a call to live and love like …
Priorities Series: Church Strengthening
NOTE FROM LUMINEX: This is the seventh entry in an 8-week series on Priorities. Today’s focus is Church Strengthening. Enjoy! Acts 2 provides a vivid picture of the intersection between faith-based leadership and the work of the Holy Spirit. This combination gave birth to the early church, and has fueled thriving churches ever since. Lesson 1: The Holy Spirit shows …