We continue International Church Planting week with a brief talk on how Acts 1:8 gives us some clues to a possible church planting strategy in our churches in the 21st. Century.
Click here to watch the video presentation.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
These final words of Jesus before his Ascension serve as a timeless strategic template for the work and witness of the church throughout the ages. The Apostles obeyed this command and the gospel has spread far and wide throughout the world. Advancing in the power of the Holy Spirit, the witness to the good news of Jesus has been carried from city to city (Jerusalem), region to region (Judea), and culture to culture (Samaria). The ends of the earth have been reached geographically and so now we focus our efforts on those who have never heard the gospel in places and among people with no church, no bible, and little or no access to the gospel.
When we apply this template of Jesus to the efforts of each local church, a surprising dynamic emerges that has far reaching effects on that local body’s health and vitality. When a church extends it’s witness to the local community and plants new churches, the Holy Spirit brings the power of spiritual renewal more and more into the life of that church. When they take part in regional planting efforts (Judea), the witness of the gospel expands all around them and unique movement dynamics are unleashed. When they cross boundaries by planting a gospel focused church in a different culture, God’s vision for the nations and the unity of the church starts to be realized. When we show concern and send people and resources beyond our city and our own region to the ends of the earth, God’s global kingdom vision comes into focus and takes on higher definition.
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