Core Service Offerings
Church Unique
An Auxano-certified navigator guides a church vision team of 6-12 people through seven 3-5 hour monthly sessions in a collaborative environment.Discover more
God Dreams
An Auxano-certified navigator guides a church leadership team through a 2-day retreat, followed by a 90-day follow-up session and follow up coaching as agreed on.Discover more
Systems Thinking for Churches
Based on his book Burnout or Breakout, John Messer leads church leaders through four 90 minute sessions designed to help participants overcome the twin towers of stifled leaders and stuck churches.Discover more
The Luminex Group guides church leaders through a comprehensive, 12-month journey that encompasses Church Unique, God Dreams, and Systems Thinking, leading to clarity of identity, pronounced momentum, and increasing vitality and mission attainment.Discover more
Transition Ministry
Every transition experience is unique, AND, experience really matters. Let our experienced transition team walk alongside your congregation so you can thrive, rather than just survive during a season of transition.Discover more
Succession Planning
Using a proven, effective process, Luminex helps churches to plan strategically and proactively for what lies ahead.Discover more