3 Equipping Opportunities

Here are three ministry equipping opportunities to consider: Preaching and Teaching the New Testament – Panel Discussion – Kuyper College, Grand Rapids January 24, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. To develop as preachers of God’s Word it is valuable to hear from good preachers and their approach to preaching. A panel of three preachers will discuss the Theology of Preaching – …

Save the Date: “Church Unique” Workshop with Will Mancini on March 7!

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 7, 2020! As a pastor or church leader, do you wrestle with questions like … Who are we, what is our vision for the future, and how will we get there? How do we present a stunningly clear and compelling vision to our team and church? How do we guide our church through a …

Collaborative Visioning – Whiteboard Wednesday Season 9: Episode 6

Discerning vision for a church is often a significant challenge, but collaboration can make all the difference. Based on Small Church Essentials, by Karl Vaters, Steve Petroelje presents a helpful approach for discerning vision in a collaborative, highly effective manner. Watch the video to learn more!

“Organic Outreach for Ordinary People” Workshop

You are invited to an Organic Outreach for Ordinary People workshop! WHEN: Saturday, February 1, 2020. WHERE: Rockford Reformed Church TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. COST: $35 – which includes lunch RSVP: here!  More than anything, Christians want to see other people come to Christ. So why do most of us find it so difficult to join in making that happen? The …